Creating the life of your dreams is a balance of Living a life absent of limitations, meaning that everyday, you exhibit emotional, physiological, mental, spiritual and physical peace of mind.
Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.

My name is Stanley Dietrich and from the early years of my growing up, I have been a solution oriented person. I remember sitting on my porch with my neighbor at the age of 12 coming up with strategies relating to relationship ideas. Who would have guessed that my passion for life was already in the process.
My mission has always been built around the mindset that people want to succeed, they want to live a life of meaning and purpose, and sometimes it just takes a perspective from a different view.
We all have a story, our "belief system", the story we tell our self. Based on that story, we can either thrive or limit our potential, physically, mentally and spiritually.
Fortunately I had a few people in my early development years who "coached" me to become aware of my strengths, conscious of my thoughts and intentional of my actions.
My deepest passion is partnering while revealing their specific and unique identity to achieve anything they set their mind to. I use the acronym "S.M.A.R.T." Being - "Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound," in teaming with you to understand your goals, and create a strategy to accomplish them.
You can't measure what you don't monitor, and being specific creates clear goals, rather than tripping over something and calling it an accomplishment.
Coaching is results focussed and transformational, it is the ability to take the good and create great. Every successful person became exponentially more successful due to having a coach. This is evident in everything from sports to financial markets, personal and professional development.
We can't always see the gift or the value we have locked in the vault of potential, a coach brings the ability to unlock that and partner with you to unleash your greatness.
I am a Certified Life Coach and study the techniques of Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanes.
I am also a Certified Postural Alignment Specialist, a non-medical approach to Pain-Free therapy. See the Pain-Free Therapy page for more details.

Are you tired of dealing with physical pain? It may seem like a rhetorical question, living with pain or managing it, limits every aspect of our lives. The solution is really closer to being solved than you may have imagined. And the best part is, that you can experience being pain-free for the first time in a long time. Congratulations on taking this first step.
Pain is simply your body’s language to tell you that something is out of alignment and the muscles are not functioning properly. The cure to become pain-free isn't complicated, and medicating it is not the cure.
I’m a Certified Postural Alignment Specialist through the Egoscue Institute, the world leader in a non-medical approach to becoming pain-free. Pardon the pun, but it pains me to see our western mindset chase symptoms and not discover the cause.
All hope is not lost, and you are not broken! There is a solution and your body is fully capable of becoming as functional as it ever was by muscle engagement and alignment and you can do this in your own home without expensive equipment and personal instruction that will revolutionize your physical experience.
I work with countless clients that have been told by medical industry that pain medicine is the way to manage the condition, or that this is just part of the aging.” I don’t believe that and working together, we will eliminate the pain that you’re experiencing.
My first client experienced a stroke at the age of 85, immobilizing his right side, numbness from hip to ankle and loss of balance, after 12 months of physical therapy, he was told this is just your “new normal” you have to get used to it. Imagine hearing those words, especially to someone who still loved working.
Within 5 sessions he was back to doing the things he loved outdoors, his balance and range of motion restored, and energy that he had 5 years prior, and the numbness completely gone.
Understand that it is the “position” of the body that creates the “condition”. Don’t allow your condition, which I say is temporary, become a permanent experience. There is no need to suffer another day. Take the opportunity to schedule a no-obligation call to exponentially transform the quality of your life and discover that there is a difference, I guarantee it.


Irresistible Offer...
If you could get the version of success by yourself,
you would have already achieved it.
Life Coaching or Postural Alignment...
Contact me for a 30 minute no obligation consultation to discover how partnering would set you on the path to a life absent of limitations, creating more energy, more success and a blueprint for life on your terms.
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